Monday, November 28, 2022

What is Sitemap?


What is Sitemap?

An XML sitemap helps search engines easily navigate through your website content. It gives them a list of all your content in a machine-readable format.

An XML sitemap is a file that lists all your website content in an XML format, so search engines like Google can easily discover and index your content.

Today sitemaps are published in an XML format instead of HTML, and their target audience is search engines and not people.

Basically, an XML sitemap is a way for website owners to tell search engines about all the pages that exist on their website.

Below is example of sitemap:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns=""> <url> <loc></loc> <lastmod>2022-01-01</lastmod> </url> </urlset>

It consists of a below parts:

  • An XML version declaration: which search engine crawlers use to determine what type of file they are reading.
  • The URL set: tells search engines about the protocol.
  • The URL: lists the URL of the page.
  • Lastmod: a date format describing when the page was last modified.

Why we need Sitemap?

  • Sitemaps are extremely important from a search engine optimization (SEO) point of view.
  • Simply adding a sitemap does not affect search rankings. 
  • Sitemaps are equally as important for established popular websites as well. They allow you to highlight which part of your websites are more important, which parts are more frequently updated, etc, so search engines can visit and index your content accordingly.
Hope this helps!

How to create sitemap scheduler in AEM as cloud refer here.



In this blog we can see how we can use Sitemap Scheduler approach in AEMaaCs to generate the sitemap.

As we need the Scheduler sitemap generation in publish mode we will go ahead and create a OSGI configuration in config.publish in our code repo.


Create file cfg.json under config.publish to define the scheduler job for Sitemap (

What is sitemap? Refer here

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sling RepoInit: Tool to Manage Content and Users in AEM | AEMaaCS

Setting up the initial state of AEM repository may appear cumbersome, we need to do lot of configurations and create system users and provide access to specific paths. Below are some of the items:

  • Creating service users
  • Creating user groups
  • Setting up ACLs/permissions for these users
  • Base content structure inside /conf or /content

Creating and setting up these configurations manually may lead to mistakes, and we have lot of environments development, QA, stage, prod etc. To overcome all these issues, Apache Sling Repository Initialization comes very handy.


How Repo Init works?

Repo Init is a set of instructions/scripts which help us in creating JCR structures, service users and groups. There are no explicit permissions needed in order to run these scripts. These scripts are executed early in the deployment process so that all required configuration/content exist in the system before the code is executed.


Configuring Repo Init:

To enable Repoinit, OSGi configuration for factory PID in one of the project’s configuration folders. Since it’s an OSGi configuration, it is easy to have a set of scripts for author and publish run modes, along with different environments such as Stage and Production. For example,, config.publish,, and config.publish.stage, etc. use a descriptive name for the configuration like and config should be like”


These configurations have two optional fields:

·       A multi-value references field with each value providing the URL (as a String) of raw Repoinit statements

·       A multi-value scripts field with each value providing Repoinit statements as plain text in a String

Let’s create service user and provide some permissions:

scripts = “[

create service user my-service-user,

create path /conf/demo(nt:folder)/myconfig(sling:Folder),

set ACL for my-service-user;

allow jcr:read,rep:write on /conf/demo/myconfig;



 It will create "my-service-user" system user and provide read & write permission to this user of path /conf/demo/myconfig.

Create service user user-1, user-2

scripts = “[

set ACL on /content/dam
    allow jcr:read for user-1,user-2


  Service User – permission to multiple paths

    set ACL on /content/dam/myproject, /conf/myproject

         allow jcr:all for user-1




Happy Learning!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

AEM Cloud Service Available Regions


Below is the list of available environment in AEM Cloud:

The set of available regions will vary based on capacity and entitlements, so always check this list before creating an environment. The superset of possible regions are:

  • aus5 - Australia Southeast
  • can2 - Canada
  • deu6 - Germany
  • gbr9 - UK South
  • jpn4 - Japan
  • nld2 - West Europe
  • sgp5 - Singapore
  • va7 - East US
  • wa1 - West US


Friday, September 9, 2022

AEM Assets Brand Portal


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Assets Brand Portal helps you easily acquire, control, and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices. It helps improve the efficiency of asset sharing, accelerates the time-to-market for assets, and reduces the risk of non-compliance and unauthorized access.

Configure AEM Assets with Brand Portal

Follow adobe doc to configure Brand portal.

Adobe reference link 

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Cloud Configs for CIF- Store View

 You can setup multi store views in Magneto and connect with AEM sites. Follow CIF-Add-On and create factory configurations for GraphQL. So let's start.

1) Create OSGI Configs for multi stores. for eg : you have 2 stores default and mystore then create 2 OSGI configs as per run-modes

In ui.config package , create json configs like below


"url": "",
"identifier" : "default",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"allowHttpProtocol": "true",
"connectionTimeout": 1000000,
"requestPoolTimeout": 500000,
"socketTimeout": 1000000


"url": "",
"identifier" : "mystore",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"allowHttpProtocol": "true",
"connectionTimeout": 1000000,
"requestPoolTimeout": 500000,
"socketTimeout": 1000000

Follow below steps to do CIF Cloud configurations.


If you already have created config folder under /conf folder from codebase then its fine. Otherwise follow below steps to create folder inside /conf

    • Open author instance http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html
    • Tools > General > Configuration Browser
Configuration Browser-AEM
Configuration Browser-AEM

Click Create and below pop-up opens

Create Configuration-AEM
Create Configuration-AEM

Enter title of the project for site-1 and Check Cloud Configurations(mandate for cloud configs) and other options for editable templates enablement check editable templates and so on..
Project Configuration
Project Configuration

Repeat step-1 for site-2

Step-2: Go to Tools>Cloud Services>CIF Configuration

CIF Configuration-AEM
CIF Configuration-AEM

Select your project created in Step-1

Configure Commerce Config
Configure Commerce Config

Click Create and select Commerce Configuration. It will create project specific commerce configuration.

Now Select/check commerce config created under <MyProject> and open properties. It will open below config window

GraphQL Store Configuration
GraphQL Store Configuration

Title- Same name of the configuration created for commerce(default). You can change this title.


GraphQL Client * - Select store as identifier from drop down. You have 2 OSGI configs. One is "default" and second is "mystore". Select store view as per your requirement for one of the site.



Store View- You can enter same name as in identifier or skip as it is optional.

Catalog Root identifier- default value


Language- Add language of the store view. In my case it is for “en” so selected  English(India)

Click Save and close.

Repeat step-2 for site-2


Now open your site hierarchy. Go to http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html

  • Select Sites. Select your first website
  • Open properties
  • Click Advance Tab
  • Select cloud configuration from Cloud Configuration section(saved in step-2). It should be under /conf
Configuration at page properties
Configuration at page properties

Cloud config path under /conf
  • Save & Close.

Do same configuration for site-2

Now open your Product Listing Page(PLP) or detail page (PDP) to check your realtime data coming from magento store views.

Happy Coding!

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Distributed Log Tracing

 In Springboot framework, Distributed Log Tracing is possible via Sleuth and Zipkin. In this blog we would be focusing for Sleuth and Zipkin and why these are required.

So lets start!

ElasticSearch vs Apache SolrCloud

  Elasticsearch and Apache SolrCloud are both powerful, distributed search engines built on top of Apache Lucene. Both Elasticsearch and S...