Saturday, July 30, 2022

Cloud Configs for CIF- Store View

 You can setup multi store views in Magneto and connect with AEM sites. Follow CIF-Add-On and create factory configurations for GraphQL. So let's start.

1) Create OSGI Configs for multi stores. for eg : you have 2 stores default and mystore then create 2 OSGI configs as per run-modes

In ui.config package , create json configs like below


"url": "",
"identifier" : "default",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"allowHttpProtocol": "true",
"connectionTimeout": 1000000,
"requestPoolTimeout": 500000,
"socketTimeout": 1000000


"url": "",
"identifier" : "mystore",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"allowHttpProtocol": "true",
"connectionTimeout": 1000000,
"requestPoolTimeout": 500000,
"socketTimeout": 1000000

Follow below steps to do CIF Cloud configurations.


If you already have created config folder under /conf folder from codebase then its fine. Otherwise follow below steps to create folder inside /conf

    • Open author instance http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html
    • Tools > General > Configuration Browser
Configuration Browser-AEM
Configuration Browser-AEM

Click Create and below pop-up opens

Create Configuration-AEM
Create Configuration-AEM

Enter title of the project for site-1 and Check Cloud Configurations(mandate for cloud configs) and other options for editable templates enablement check editable templates and so on..
Project Configuration
Project Configuration

Repeat step-1 for site-2

Step-2: Go to Tools>Cloud Services>CIF Configuration

CIF Configuration-AEM
CIF Configuration-AEM

Select your project created in Step-1

Configure Commerce Config
Configure Commerce Config

Click Create and select Commerce Configuration. It will create project specific commerce configuration.

Now Select/check commerce config created under <MyProject> and open properties. It will open below config window

GraphQL Store Configuration
GraphQL Store Configuration

Title- Same name of the configuration created for commerce(default). You can change this title.


GraphQL Client * - Select store as identifier from drop down. You have 2 OSGI configs. One is "default" and second is "mystore". Select store view as per your requirement for one of the site.



Store View- You can enter same name as in identifier or skip as it is optional.

Catalog Root identifier- default value


Language- Add language of the store view. In my case it is for “en” so selected  English(India)

Click Save and close.

Repeat step-2 for site-2


Now open your site hierarchy. Go to http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html

  • Select Sites. Select your first website
  • Open properties
  • Click Advance Tab
  • Select cloud configuration from Cloud Configuration section(saved in step-2). It should be under /conf
Configuration at page properties
Configuration at page properties

Cloud config path under /conf
  • Save & Close.

Do same configuration for site-2

Now open your Product Listing Page(PLP) or detail page (PDP) to check your realtime data coming from magento store views.

Happy Coding!

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