Showing posts with label Elasticsearch and Apache SolrCloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elasticsearch and Apache SolrCloud. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

ElasticSearch vs Apache SolrCloud


Elasticsearch and Apache SolrCloud are both powerful, distributed search engines built on top of Apache Lucene.

Both Elasticsearch and Solr are released under the Apache Software License, however, Solr is truly open-source – Community over codeSolr code is not always beautiful, but once the feature is there it usually stays there and is not removed from the code base. Anyone can contribute to Solr.

On the other hand, Elasticsearch is technically open source, but less so in spirit. Anyone can see the source on Github, anyone can change it and offer a contribution, but only employees of Elastic can make changes to Elasticsearch, 

Apache SolrCloud:

Schema-Based Search: Solr is schema-based and allows you to define a schema for your data, including fields, field types, and analysis chain.

Distributed Search Platform: Apache SolrCloud is a distributed search platform built on top of Apache Lucene. It's known for its scalability and fault tolerance.

RESTful API and Native Clients: Similar to Elasticsearch, Solr provides a RESTful API for indexing and querying data. It also offers native clients for Java, Python, and other programming languages.


Dynamic Clustering and Load Balancing: SolrCloud dynamically distributes indexed data across a cluster of nodes and provides built-in load balancing and failover capabilities.


Rich Query Syntax: Solr supports a rich query syntax including full-text search, filtering, faceting, highlighting, spatial search, and more.


Apache Project: Solr is an Apache Software Foundation project with a large and active open-source community.


Built-in Replication and Security: SolrCloud provides built-in replication for data redundancy and security features like authentication and authorization.



Distributed Document Store: Elasticsearch is a distributed document-oriented search engine that stores data in JSON format.


Real-time Search and Analytics: It's optimized for near real-time search and analytics, making it suitable for various use cases including log and event data analysis.


RESTful API: Elasticsearch provides a RESTful API for indexing and querying data, making it easy to integrate with various programming languages and frameworks.


Built-in Scalability and Resilience: Elasticsearch is designed to scale horizontally, allowing you to add nodes to the cluster to handle increasing data and query loads. It also provides built-in resilience features like automatic shard replication and failover.


Rich Query DSL: It offers a powerful query DSL (Domain Specific Language) for constructing complex queries including full-text search, aggregations, filtering, and more.


Ecosystem and Plugins: Elasticsearch has a rich ecosystem with various plugins available for extending its functionality, including plugins for monitoring, security, and data visualization.


Owned by Elastic NV: Elasticsearch is developed and maintained by Elastic NV, the same company behind the Elastic Stack (formerly ELK Stack), which includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.


Here is a tabular comparison between Solr/SolrCloud and Elasticsearch, highlighting their key differences and similarities:





Apache Software Foundation

Elastic NV

Initial Release



Primary Use Case

Full-text search, faceted search, enterprise search

Full-text search, log and event data analysis


Standalone (Solr) and distributed (SolrCloud)



Requires schema definition, can auto-detect

Schema-free, flexible mappings

Query Language

Solr Query Language (based on Lucene)

Query DSL (based on JSON)


SolrCloud supports sharding and replication

Built-in sharding and replication

Data Storage

Supports various formats (XML, JSON, CSV)

JSON format primarily

Faceting and Aggregation

Advanced faceting and filtering capabilities

Powerful aggregations and metrics

Community and Support

Large open-source community, commercial support available via Lucidworks

Large community, commercial support via Elastic

Installation and Setup

Can be more complex, especially for SolrCloud

Generally easier to set up and configure

Cluster Management

Managed via Zookeeper in SolrCloud

Managed via built-in APIs, Elastic Stack tools (Kibana, etc.)

Plugins and Extensibility

Wide range of plugins, extensible via Java

Extensive plugin ecosystem, extensible via REST API


High performance for read-heavy workloads, optimized for search use cases

High performance for both search and analytics, optimized for large-scale data


Basic authentication and authorization, SSL, Kerberos (via plugins or external solutions)

Built-in security features, including TLS, RBAC, and more (with X-Pack)

Monitoring and Management

Tools available (e.g., Solr Admin UI), less integrated monitoring

Integrated monitoring and management tools (e.g., Kibana)

Data Visualization

Limited to third-party tools (e.g., Banana, Grafana)

Native support via Kibana, seamless integration

Updates and Versioning

Regular updates, but can be less frequent

Frequent updates and releases, active development

 Happy learning!

ElasticSearch vs Apache SolrCloud

  Elasticsearch and Apache SolrCloud are both powerful, distributed search engines built on top of Apache Lucene. Both Elasticsearch and S...