Thursday, May 4, 2023

How to find Dedicated egress IP address in AEMaaCS


What is dedicated egress IP address?

Dedicated egress IP address allows requests from AEM as a Cloud Service to use a dedicated IP address, allowing the external services to filter incoming requests by this IP address.

How to find Dedicated egress IP address?

Obtain the dedicated egress IP address by using a DNS Resolver on the host: p{programId}, or by running dig from the command line.

$ dig +short p{programId}

You can also find Egress Ip using nslookup

$ nslookup p{programId}

where programId you can find from your instance link. For eg you can find programId from this refreence url of your instance.


Note: Egress Ip is program Specific. It means it is same for all environments linked program.

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